Anonymous Taxpayer,        )          
(Mike Freeman)               )     Docket No. 06-ALJ-17-0000-xx
      Petitioner,            )
 Vs.                         )   Petitioner's Request for Admissions
South Carolina Department    )
Of Revenue                   )
Respondent.                  )


YOU ARE HEREBY served the following written requests for admissions to be answered separately and in writing within 30 days from the date of service hereof pursuant to and in accordance with Rule 21, Rules of Procedure for the Administrative Law Court, and Rule 36, SCRCP. Should you fail to respond within 30 days, the numbered items below will be deemed to be admitted. If you deny any or all of the numbered items below, you must stipulate in what respect and set forth in detail the reasons for your denial.

  1. Admit or deny that the income figures against Taxpayer came from the IRS.
  2. Admit or deny that you did not receive from the IRS a certificate or proof of the income amounts.
  3. Admit or deny that you have no non-hearsay documentation against Taxpayer.

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: I do hereby certify on this date that a copy this pleading was sent properly to opposing counsel.


 ___________________________________              Date: December 13, 2006
         Mike Freeman
         1776 Freedom Way
         Freetown, USA