Michael Freeman
Spartanburg, SC 29303

Taxpayers Advocate C/O SC DOR
1835 Assembly St., Room 466
MDP 03
Columbia, SC 29201

RE: Case Number 12345678-1
Tax Years 2000, 2001 and 2002


On Dec 13, 2006 DOR sent me assessment forms for the tax years 2000 and 2002. I responded and requested a hearing and I denied the assessment. See the copy attached.

DOR vengefully filed Notices of Tax Liens against me in the county where I reside.

I was denied my rights to Notice, Hearing and Due Process of Law.

Would you please contact DOR on my behalf and ask them to withdraw the Tax Liens and also explain to me why I did not have a chance to appeal or protest the assessments.

Could you explain to me the rights of the taxpayers in this grand and glorious state of South Carolina?


Michael Freeman

January 29, 2007